According to the statistics published by John Hopkins University on 2020.04.19 the total Coronavirus cases worldwide were 2,361,482 and the deaths 162,044. What astonishing these figures are! It’s a pity that the US cannot effectively prevent the virus in the beginning and control the pandemic afterwards. Sadly to say that President Trump openly tweeted and said on the press conference Coronavirus was like a flu nothing to worry about, and passively make any active measures from 2020.01.22, the 1st case recorded, throughout March. 

It’s been proved necessary on both sides of Taiwan Straits that wearing masks can better prevent the spread of virus. Unfortunately, it’s been ridiculed by western people, and some of them even attacked Chinese on street who wore masks. Now we see more and more people in Europe and N. America wearing masks, although it’s been too late, and some countries have not yet made it mandatory.

Not just that people lost their loved ones due to the virus, the most fatal impact is economic stagnation resulted from lockdown. Even social distancing also discourages shopping, eating out, not to mention sightseeing and leisure activities.

It is said that the COVID-19 pandemic is a typical phenomenon that the God wants to severely warn and punish humans other than the various disasters we have encountered in recent years, and more to come. It seems that politicians in every country pay much more attention to virus control and economic stimulus, which is understandable. However, if we neglect the implications to moral education and psychological recovery we might expect more devastating catastrophes because humans misconducts in almost every aspect of life have been harmful to the nature and sustainability.

Ted Sun, the Guru of “Super Life Secret Codes” keeps asking a big question: what is the most important thing in life? Affection, health, wealth, merit, to name a few, might all be on the list. According to Buddhism all of them are illusory, cannot be controlled by one’s self, but in the endless cycle of reincarnation one life after another. Ted Sun said the self is the most crucial thing for a person that is identified by his virtue and kindness following the doctrines of God, Buddha, or the universe. Only when humans do the right things beneficial to others can they enjoy the resonance with the universe, and eventually transcend their spirit and soul from the body. Citizens in line with the moral standards tend to request and monitor their government to develop public policies beneficial to all beings. Hopefully, we are all conscious with the moral disciplines and practice in daily life to help lead to a right direction for human beings.

images (1).jpgWould like to introduce the website of Super Life Secret Codes at the address below.

The book of Super Life Secret Codes itself can be searched at Amazon, which is a guide book to unlock your mind and spirit.

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