都在做功德,初發心不同,接收者是否真能獲益或心存感激? 以媛領悟到我們是否出於真心去施予對方所需的利益,對方真實的感受會說話,在雙方能量作用下互動交換訊息的狀態,最能顯示「善業」產生「功德」的真偽。即使在「懺悔發願心法」中和「負能量」溝通,功德迴向後究竟能發揮多大作用,也和自己在做善業時的心態有關。
- 〈感恩四句偈〉在今天「科技人沙龍」直播前發揮了安撫助成的作用,好感恩。約在7:10pm左右雅惠通知電腦臨時故障無法上線,以媛立刻如臨深淵似地做各種後台音檔和圖檔的準備,並和唯懿及品蓁測試音訊和視訊。老實說還是因為操作不夠熟稔而有些忙亂,結果在〈感恩四句偈〉的加持下,竟然慢慢成功顯示出靜態圖檔和背景音樂撥放同步的畫面,先解決了節目開始前的準備。結果雅惠竟然也能及時在8:00pm開播前連上線,順利接手後台掌控,聽說也是拜〈感恩四句偈〉之賜,真是太美妙了!!
- 感恩品蓁及唯懿上「科技人沙龍」在線上分享各別應用「功德迴向」的方法消除自己過去可能累積的「負能量」作用力,都能順利解決長期咳嗽及父親骨裂的問題,可見用對超碼方法,就能難題有解。
At a glance, reminiscing the affinity from past lives
The vivid scenes unfold right before my eyes
As if traversing through mere inches of space
故事恩怨 屏屏熟悉添
Every love and hate story feels intimately known
聚散浮生 光影一線
Gatherings and partings in this transient life in a fleeting moment
Laughter and tears, like dreams intertwined
思緒萬千 止不住的惦
Countless thoughts thinking of you endlessly
Could this be the reason for such affinity?
願你精彩今生現 圖畫甜田
May your present life be amazing, like a sweet painting
填補著對你的掛牽 情意綿綿
Filling the fields of affection longing for you with endless sentiment
我求天送你金光點點 暖心田
I pray for heaven to send you glimmers of golden light, warming your heart
閉上眼睛感知心間 會思念
Close your eyes and feel the affection in your heart; you’ll find me missing you
At a glance, reminiscing the affinity from past lives
The vivid scenes unfold right before my eyes
As if traversing through mere inches of space
故事恩怨 屏屏熟悉添
Every love and hate story feels intimately known
聚散浮生 光影一線
Gatherings and partings in this transient life in a fleeting moment
Laughter and tears, like dreams intertwined
思緒萬千 止不住的惦
Countless thoughts thinking of you endlessly
Could this be the reason for such affinity?
願你精彩今生現 圖畫甜田
May your present life be amazing, like a sweet painting
填補著對你的掛牽 情意綿綿
Filling the fields of affection longing for you with endless sentiment
我求天送你金光點點 暖心田
I pray for heaven to send you glimmers of golden light, warming your heart
細細品嚐歷經萬年 來生緣
Thinking about the thousands of years of past stories that have created the affinity in future lives
願你精彩今生現 圖畫甜田
May your present life be amazing, like a sweet painting
填補著對你的掛牽 情意綿綿
Filling the fields of affection longing for you with endless sentiment
我求天送你金光點點 暖心田
I pray for heaven to send you glimmers of golden light, warming your heart
細細品嚐歷經萬年 來生緣
Thinking about the thousands of years of past stories that have created the affinity in future lives
細細品嚐歷經萬年 來生緣 來生緣
Thinking about the thousands of years of past stories that have created the affinity in future lives, affinity in future lives