Year 2020 is certainly a chaotic year full of natural disasters and man-made catastrophes. The reason for COVID-19 first found in Wuhan is still under investigation. It has unfortunately caused unprecedented infection rate across the globe and high fatality in some ethnic groups. As specialists warned and strictly instructed to wear masks whenever in a group or at a public space. According to our experiences in Asia wearing mask is even more effective than social distancing.
Surprisingly, there are still so many people on street not wearing masks, who have put themselves and others in danger, because no symptom doesn’t mean free of infection. People’s neglect and arrogance throughout the society from top down are the main reason for so widely spread out in the US and in Europe. It has not yet come to a plateau, meaning it’s still in up trend in terms of confirmed cases and death toll in the US, Brazil, India, Russia, and many other countries.
“Black lives matter” protests in the US and some cities in Europe have resulted in violence and casualties. Quite often, a peaceful protest might turn out to be a riot instigated by people with hidden agenda. The worst thing throughout the US is that robbery and violent treatment to innocent strangers were publicly carried out without any concerns of law. We can say that the whole USA, nowadays, is in a negative energy field with only hatred and disorders. One thing is odd for there were few African American religious leaders stood out to urge peaceful protests and moral behaviors.
In addition to the phenomena prevalent in the USA, there are many other disasters such as earthquake, border disputes, flood, wild fire, unusual high temperature at both North and South Poles, etc. All these have caused the Earth to become ill with negative energy everywhere. We might foresee unbalanced magnetic field resulted from the melting icebergs at both Poles.
I used to write an article advocating moral education trying to reduce the greedy and selfish behaviors, and hatred and violent riots. It seems too difficult to change people’s mindset. The only thing I could think of, now, is to share a song of Prayer of Love written and composed by Ted Sun, the Guru of System of Super Life Secret Codes. Hopefully, it could possibly soothe peoples’ heart and stimulate the sentiment of gratitude and love from now on, that are the stimulus to send blessing to people around, that will cause “Butterfly Effect” on peace and well-being throughout the Globe.
Would like to share a beautiful song, Prayer of Love, written and composed by Master Sun of the System of Super Life Secret Codes. You are highly recommended to play it continuously as long as possible, that will bring you fortune and good life.
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