







  1. 感恩嬋娟在「科技人沙龍」直播節目的分享,談到面對有精神症狀的家人,先讓自己「靜心」,而不是過去情緒受到家人影響而上下起伏。 保持靜心是一種修練,在超碼系統修習的潛移默化產生的正能量,得以靜心面對,加上懺悔發願心法的從旁化解,應是最好的系統性方法。同樣感恩導師,感恩超碼系統和宇宙天地,有這樣的大法現世,以媛亦能如法實修。



刻在靈魂的印記 盤旋心底的香氣

There is a mark etched in my soul and a scent lingers in my heart

多麼熟悉的記憶 圓滿夢想的園地

A very familiar memory of a garden where dreams come true



刻骨銘心的旋律 提醒我好好珍惜

Unforgettable melody reminding me to cherish

任憑歲月難抹去 一次一次地響起

No matter how difficult life plays out over and over



春雷起驚蟄啟新意 愛戀痴纏總是困了自己

Spring thunder awakens hibernation, obsessive love results in entanglement of oneself

這道理勸君要牢記 擦乾那眼角淚滴

Please keep in mind this advice and wipe away your tears

吸一口寶氣 圓滿精彩好戲

Take a deep breath and complete this amazing play


Following the heavenly secret to welcome the morning Sun light and the constant change of all things

那刻在靈魂的印記 盤旋心底的香氣

That mark etched in my soul and a scent lingers in my heart

多少因緣牽繫 才能夠來到這裡

Entanglement of affinities leading us where we are now

前世今生的傳奇 靜下心就能憶起

when our mind is quiet, we can remember the past lives

盼望加被的雲霓 與天比翼與地並蒂

Look forward to uniting with Heaven and connect with Earth



那撲朔迷離的孤寂 寒夜呢喃的自語

There is a sense of mysterious loneliness, we mutter to ourselves in the bitter cold nights

照見青山多旖旎 春回大地心有靈犀

Seeing the mesmerizing green mountains, my heart is connected with Earth where spring has returned



刻在靈魂的印記 刻骨銘心的旋律

There is a mark etched in my soul and an unforgettable melody in my heart

願這首圓舞曲 圓滿今生我和你

Hoping this Waltz will complete you and I in this lifetime

前世今生的傳奇 靜下心就能憶起

when our mind is quiet, we can remember the past lives

盼望加被的雲霓 與天比翼與地並蒂

Look forward to uniting with Heaven and connect with Earth



那撲朔迷離的孤寂 寒夜呢喃的自語

There is a sense of mysterious loneliness, we mutter to ourselves in the bitter cold nights

照見青山多旖旎 春回大地心有靈犀

Seeing the mesmerizing green mountains, my heart is connected with Earth where spring has returned



浮生若夢 人生如戲

Life is a short dream, life is like a play

物轉星移 開啟新天地

Things are changing and a new world is creating

人生真經 寫在這裡

The truth of life is written here

珍惜努力 更加有意義

To cherish and work hard will make this life more meaningful


Understand this logic


and the miracles of life will always be with you




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