時間來到2023年一月的最後一天,倏忽過完一個月,令人有些心驚。不禁在想這個月在身心靈各方面有哪些進步?或又有哪些過去沒有出現過的生活境,卻在這個月顯現出來考驗自己? 值得安慰的是,總的來說自己找到在「超級生命密碼系統」不忘初心、始終如一、精進修習和內外雙修的節奏,在忙碌緊湊的生活步調中保留一些空白,有機會和靈魂對話。當身心靈在鬆緊適度的狀態下,有機會維持平衡聚合,可以更保有正能量面對生活境並妥善處理,走在善性循環中,這是以媛近來的體悟和驗證。
今天晚上參加營運長主持的「富有交流會」,導讀《源來 富有可以很簡單》「八面玲瓏/向上提升的智慧」,真有如當頭棒喝,驚醒夢中人,有了和平日完全不同的領受,更感動於太陽盛德導師循循善誘的耐心和慈悲。這個章節也非常呼應以媛即將在2/2周四晚間8:00~9:00播出的「科技人沙龍」主題:情緒牽動因果與能量的科學證明。
- 感恩鄰居在樓梯間的最後一階及地上貼上明顯的紅條,提醒大家是最後一階不要踩空滑倒。真的非常體貼。
- 感恩重慶館的能量場超強,進到課室就感到左邊肋骨因為壓到游泳池邊而造成的疼痛,突然覺得鬆開許多。這是藥酒療養、大家共振能量,再加上心中期盼的太陽公公光能交互作用的結果,除了感恩還是感恩。
生命的輪廓 需要愛 來創作
To sketch life requires love as creativity
走過執著 不再談論對錯
Transcend from attachment, no longer dwell on who is right or wrong
最好的經過 請珍惜 來把握
Please cherish and grasp hold of the greatest life lessons
相信你能感受 有一份愛 暖心窩
I believe you can feel my love warming your heart
Lots of feelings at this moment
Cannot keep silent any longer
還記否曾懵懂的你 總不知所措
Still remember how you were once so lost and lacked direction
想要解脫 又飛蛾撲火
Have desire to be free but keep going in a circle like moths to a flame
紅塵蹉跎 惹了禍
Distractions in life are traps
關關難過 彷彿著了魔
Vicious cycle keeps repeating as if we have been possessed
邀你突破來實現如果 請你聽我說
Encourage you to break the cycle and explore the possibilities, please listen to my words
生命的線索 需要心 來掌握
Finding the answers to life requires a meticulous mind
走過執著 不再談論對錯
Transcend from attachment, no longer dwell on who is right or wrong
所有的經過 請珍惜 來把握
Please cherish and grasp hold of all life lessons
相信你能感受 有一份愛 暖心窩
I believe you can feel my love warming your heart
Lots of feelings at this moment
If you can feel my heart, less is more
還記否曾懵懂的你 總不知所措
Still remember how you were once so lost and lacked direction
想要解脫 又飛蛾撲火
Have desire to be free but keep going in a circle like moths to a flame
紅塵蹉跎 惹了禍
Distractions in life are traps
關關難過 彷彿著了魔
Vicious cycle keeps repeating as if we have been possessed
邀你突破來實現如果 請你聽我說
Encourage you to break the cycle and explore the possibilities, please listen to my words
天地真愛的承諾 豐富了生活
Promise of love from the Universe fulfils our life
努力耕耘 能量的花朵
Cultivate diligently to receive blossoming flowers with energy
All life occurrences can be easy peasy
不再閃躲 將愛來散播
Resist no more, spread your love
邀你突破來實現如果 請你聽我說
Encourage you to break the cycle and explore the possibilities, please listen to my words
Please listen to my words