下班後和一位朋友鐘君聚餐,想要介紹他超碼系統,並且邀請他參加3/15~16的「擁有愛 黃金人生精彩登」大型活動。他是一位科技界的實作者,電子、半導體及綠能產業理論實務都能朗朗上口,努力工作累積專業能力和人脈後,也逐漸從研發、生產、技術,擴展到行銷、業務、科技金融等。沒想到最近三年完全投入成屋房舍標售、重整、改裝、出租的房地產領域,聽說做得風生水起,「更好賺」。這麼多年的社會歷練,養成他投資和賺錢的敏感度,挖掘社會和生活需求變化的走向,沒有貴賤高低,只要能滿足正常社會人的需求就能帶來價值,能累積財富也就不足為奇了。為了投入這一行,自學所有的土木、水泥、裝潢以及土地、房舍買賣、代書過戶等作業,成為另一個不同領域的專家。像這樣的學到、知道、做到一氣呵成的實務派,真的很難得。
- 早晨走在濕寒的巷子中,更顯得逸靜,連叫得平日嘰喳叫得震天價響的鳥雀聲都消失了,想是也去避寒了。在這樣的安詳空靈的早晨去上班,心中有一種幸福感,因為知道下一步要做什麼,還有很多事情等著完成。而非面臨無情戰火的無助。
就是现在啊 心門開 福就來
Now it’s the time to open your heart and let the fortune to enter
巨大財富 只要你 自己願意採
Abundant wealth is within your reach if you are willing
很重要啊 心門開 福就來
It is very important that when you open your heart, fortune arrives
很重要啊 心門開 福就来
It is very important that when you open your heart, fortune arrives
就因觀念 決定你 生死未来
Your logic determines your future destiny
只要誠心 幫助你 繼往開來
Sincerity will help you overcome all challenges
生命歲月 要抓住 生機展開
In this lifetime, need to grasp all opportunities for growth
千萬記得 分秒後 機會不再
Do remember opportunities wait for no man, cherish all opportunities along our path
只有现在 心門開 福運才會來
If we are willing to open our heart now, we will welcome happiness into our lives
心門打開 深呼吸 福運就來
Open your heart and inhale deeply, happiness will follow
就這麽簡單 要或不要 你自己主宰
It is so easy, whether you want or don’t want, you have to decide
全然相信 抓住精髓 實驗就知真假的狀態
Believe wholeheartedly, grasp the essence, experiment to validate the truth for ourselves
心門打開 福就来 生命精彩
Open our heart to welcome exciting life filled with joy and happiness
好事滿溢 心事圆 時刻都開懷
Surrounded by auspicious occasions, wishes get fulfilled, feeling gratified at all times
其實不難 只要心門開 福來好自在
Actually it’s not difficult if willing to open our heart now, receive happiness and always be at ease
就是現在啊 心門開 福就來
If we are willing to open our heart now, we will welcome happiness into our lives
巨大財富 只要你 自己願意採
Wealth and riches are within your reach if you are willing
很重要啊 心門開 福就來
That’s so important, so open your heart and let happiness to enter
很重要啊 心門開 福就来
That’s so important, so open your heart and let happiness to enter
就因觀念 決定你 生死未来
Our logic and values will determine our destiny including life and death
只要誠心 幫助你 繼往開來
Sincerity will help us overcome all challenges
生命歲月 要抓住 生機展開
In this lifetime, need to grasp all opportunities for growth
千萬記得 分秒後 機會不再
Do remember opportunities wait for no man, cherish all opportunities along our path
只有现在 心門開 福運才會來
If we are willing to open our heart now, we will welcome happiness into our lives
心門打開 深呼吸 福運就來
Open your heart and inhale deeply, happiness will follow
就這麽簡單 要或不要 你自己主宰
It is so easy, whether you want or don’t want, you have to decide
全然相信 抓住精髓 實驗就知真假的狀態
Believe wholeheartedly, grasp the essence, experiment to validate the truth for ourselves
心門打開 福就来 生命精彩
Open our heart to welcome exciting life filled with joy and happiness
好事滿溢 心事圆 時刻都開懷
Surrounded by auspicious occasions, wishes get fulfilled, feeling gratified at all times
其實不難 只要心門開 福來好自在
Actually it’s not difficult if willing to open our heart now, receive happiness and always be at ease
只要心門開 福來好自在
If we are willing to open our heart, welcome happiness and always be at ease