因為不是基督徒,完全忽略了今天12/24是耶誕夜。無論如何仍然是一個值得在意的日子,為迎接明天誕生的世間偉人之一的耶穌而做祝禱。許多基督教或天主教的朋友們陸續送來許多可愛、溫馨、祥和的圖片或視頻。以媛對其中一位回答:有信仰就是好事。祝願社會平時就能多一些平安,不是只在耶誕、新年、春節這樣的假期才做好人。看來看去還是天圓文化製作的〈好寶寶〉耶誕音樂短片,配上太陽盛德導師的歌曲,既能應景,由歌詞也充分說明這個世界、地球和個人都需要有這樣特質的赤子之心。以媛對照好寶寶 「….常祝禱 大家好 總把人饒;….知足逍遙 八風不倒」,還有許多有待強化之處。
- 今天去探視大哥,因為要趕在出門前將待做之事告一段落,足足延誤半小時;途中又因為交通狀況,等到了養護中心,已經晚了一小時。若從時間管理角度看,這樣的延誤不是好事;但從要將設定的事情逐一完成的角度看,應是目標過高,單位時間內無法完成所有事情,下次做目標設定時須要再做斟酌。感恩養護中心和大哥都能體諒以媛遲到而耐心等候。
- 感恩姐姐從平鎮做連線視訊,可以在遠端和大哥見面通話。科技產品在此發揮最大的效益。
好寶寶 懂得生活心不老
A good child understands life, and the heart remains young
好寶寶 知道如何像個寶
A good child knows how to be a jewel
好寶寶 善良召 真心好面貌
A good child is kind, genuine, and nice
常祝禱 大家好 總把人饒
Always wishing others well and is always forgiving
好寶寶 不會爭吵
A good child doesn’t fight
懂事不鬧 壞事不搞
Who is mature, calm, and doesn’t cause trouble
陽光隨心照 幸福常自邀
Whose heart radiates like the sun and happiness always follows
我們都是好寶寶 愜意無擾
We are all good children, peaceful and lighthearted
我們都是好寶寶 沒煩惱
We are all good children, without worries
知足逍遙 八風不倒
Content and carefree, undisturbed by adversity and challenges
好寶寶 善良召 真心好面貌
A good child is kind, genuine, and nice
常祝禱 大家好 總把人饒
Always wishing others well and is always forgiving
好寶寶 不會爭吵
A good child doesn’t fight
懂事不鬧 壞事不搞
Who is mature, calm, and doesn’t cause trouble
陽光隨心照 幸福常自邀
Whose heart radiates like the sun and happiness always follows
我們都是好寶寶 愜意無擾
We are all good children, peaceful and lighthearted
我們都是好寶寶 沒煩惱
We are all good children, without worries
知足逍遙 八風不倒
Content and carefree, undisturbed by adversity and challenges
好寶寶 善良運茂
A good child whose kindness brings abundance
老實可靠 錯誤全拋
Honest and reliable, remove all mistakes
陽光隨心照 幸福常自邀
Whose heart radiates like the sun and happiness always follows
我們都是好寶寶 真心志高
We are all good children, sincere and motivated
我們都是好寶寶 家門耀
We are all good children, honoring our family
知足逍遙 通達明瞭
Content and carefree; clear and enlightened
We are all good children
Forever good children