




這樣的身心靈發展路徑本來就是在正信、正念的狀態下,逐漸轉化身心,並使靈魂淨化,讓現世生活境改善,獲得全方位富足,且為未來境扎下厚實基礎,這是最究竟的健康永續之道。事後Dr. Ramya回饋,以媛以「重整人類的德行和道德,成為現今個人、社會與國際生存永續的關鍵,也是生態和地球永續的基礎」這樣的論調,得到其他演講人的共鳴,引發大家對於導師及超碼系統的興趣。



  1. 感恩印度Dr. Ramya會想到在線上研討會時,將「超級生命密碼系統」排入節目清單中,才有機會正式對印度和泰國的大學生及教師群介紹超碼。未來藉由與國際上的姊妹大學合辦線上或現場研討會時,可有更多機會逐步擴散超碼。和玉岑姐一起透過Ramya的管道推動非華人社會接觸超馬,真是一件好事。




生命圖畫中 怎有缺

There is no incompletion in the picture of life

總是盼呀盼 圓滿莫絕

I always hope for completion

因緣牽巧遇 才有了解

It’s fate that brought us here so that we get to know each other

也許曾經真的 曾相約

Maybe once upon a time we have a promise



倘佯天地間感動 嚐哽咽

I am moved and in tears by the Heaven and Earth

驚訝想起重要的 天地相約

suddenly I recall the important promise to the Heaven and Earth

奇緣接 就有解

when the connection is made, everything is clear


Accomplishment brings joy

盡情塗抹七彩 精彩頁

I enjoy creating the colorful picture of life



感恩 這相約

Grateful for this promise

我才知道難題 總是有解

I then learn that everything in life has a solution

人生啊 莊生夢蝶

Life is like a dream of butterflies

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe



生命圖畫中 怎有缺

There is no incompletion in the picture of life

總是盼呀盼 圓滿莫絕

I always hope for completion

因緣牽巧遇 才有了解

It’s fate that brought us here so that we get to know each other

也許曾經真的 曾相約

Maybe once upon a time we have a promise



倘佯天地間感動 嚐哽咽

I am moved and in tears by the Heaven and Earth

驚訝想起重要的 天地相約

suddenly I recall the important promise to the Heaven and Earth

奇緣接 就有解

when the connection is made, everything is clear


Accomplishment brings joy

盡情塗抹七彩 精彩頁

I enjoy creating the colorful picture of life



感恩 這相約

Grateful for this promise

我才知道難題 總是有解

I then learn that everything in life has a solution

人生啊 莊生夢蝶

Life is like a dream of butterflies

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe



感恩 這相約

Grateful for this promise

我才知道難題 總是有解

I then learn that everything in life has a solution

人生啊 莊生夢蝶

Life is like a dream of butterflies

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe




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