- 今天一如往常,需要在大姑家幫忙做晚餐和女兒一家四口相聚。不得以提早離開「黃金晶彩再現」Y 17現場。大姑準備了臘味菜飯、清蒸比目魚,還有一些菜,玲瑯滿目,胃口大開。果不其然,兩小對於臘味菜飯非常捧場,讓大姑很有成就感。
- 或許因為營運長鼓勵年輕世代出頭擔任志工,讓65歲以上志工家人退居二線,這幾次的大型活動,以媛沒有擔任志工。一方面很歡喜又感恩接受大家的服務,一方面也覺得沒有出力貢獻,愧對辛苦的籌辦團隊。
What is the meaning of the hustle and bustle in life?
Looking back, life is like a bottle of alcohol
- 任憑大海終無留
Drifting in the boundless ocean
- 參東流
Later realizing that life cannot be reversed like the river flowing to the East will never return
What is a glorious life?
- 終生做 飲陳酒
Is it a rat race with more drinking?
- 怨懟終結總還留
At the end, resentments left unsettled
- 參東流
Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return
I then realize what is life
And understand what is enough
- 繁華又何求
Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life
Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return
- 猜透亦看透
The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize
To have a good life,
we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return
What is a glorious life?
- 終生做 飲陳酒
Is it a rat race with more drinking?
- 怨懟終結總還留
At the end, resentments left unsettled
- 參東流
Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return
I then realize what is life
And understand what is enough
- 繁華又何求
Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life
Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return
- 猜透亦看透
The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize
To have a good life, we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return
Clear my thoughts and cherish life because life is like a river flowing to the East and will never return
The Winter Sun is so precious, but no one can hold on to it forever
What is the meaning of the hustle and bustle in life?
Looking back, life is like a bottle of alcohol
- 任憑大海終無留
Drifting in the boundless ocean
- 參東流
Later realizing that life cannot be reversed like the river flowing to the East will never return
What is a glorious life?
- 終生做 飲陳酒
Is it a rat race with more drinking?
- 怨懟終結總還留
At the end, resentments left unsettled
- 參東流
Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return
I then realize what is life
And understand what is enough
- 繁華又何求
Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life
Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return
- 猜透亦看透
The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize
To have a good life,
we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return
What is a glorious life?
- 終生做 飲陳酒
Is it a rat race with more drinking?
- 怨懟終結總還留
At the end, resentments left unsettled
- 參東流
Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return
I then realize what is life
And understand what is enough
- 繁華又何求
Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life
Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return
- 猜透亦看透
The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize
To have a good life, we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return
Clear my thoughts and cherish life because life is like a river flowing to the East and will never return
The Winter Sun is so precious, but no one can hold on to it forever
What is the meaning of the hustle and bustle in life?
Looking back, life is like a bottle of alcohol
- 任憑大海終無留
Drifting in the boundless ocean
- 參東流
Later realizing that life cannot be reversed like the river flowing to the East will never return
What is a glorious life?
- 終生做 飲陳酒
Is it a rat race with more drinking?
- 怨懟終結總還留
At the end, resentments left unsettled
- 參東流
Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return
I then realize what is life
And understand what is enough
- 繁華又何求
Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life
Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return
- 猜透亦看透
The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize
To have a good life,
we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return
What is a glorious life?
- 終生做 飲陳酒
Is it a rat race with more drinking?
- 怨懟終結總還留
At the end, resentments left unsettled
- 參東流
Feeling of vicissitudes like the river flowing to the East will never return
I then realize what is life
And understand what is enough
- 繁華又何求
Waking up from my dream and asking myself what am I looking for in life
Chasing my dreams, taking control, understanding the river flowing to the East will never return
- 猜透亦看透
The river flowing to the East will never return, I fully understand and realize
To have a good life, we must cherish it because life is like a river flowing to the East that will never return
Clear my thoughts and cherish life because life is like a river flowing to the East and will never return
The Winter Sun is so precious, but no one can hold on to it forever