- 感恩Stanley學長邀請參與「新世紀先修班」,不同的廣傳方式,同樣的廣傳願心。超碼家人們總是盡己所能推廣「超級生命密碼系統」,和其中諸多寶貴的資源讓更多的人得以收受,真是個可愛的團體。
天上白雲飄 紅塵多喧囂
There are clouds in the sky and noise in the material world
閒事心頭燒 幾時消 待誰來解套
Issues in my mind, who can help?
歲月催人老 壯志當凌霄
Time passes by and ambitions are as high as the sky
日月星辰為你註標 幸福的記號
The Sun, moon, and stars mark the sign of happiness for me
你看江山如此多嬌 浪滔滔
Look at this incredible world
引無數英雄竟折腰 求獨領風潮
countless heroes are fighting to rule
哪怕風雨瀟瀟 競天高
regardless of the challenges
標註幸福的記號 在今朝
Marking the sign of happiness now
世事纏繞 春花秋月何時了
vicious cycle when will it end
白雪飄飄 半生但求溫飽 東奔西跑
spend half of my life trying to make ends meet
笑傲駭浪驚濤 分分秒秒 福星高照
When the lucky star shines on me, I glide thru the stormy waves with ease
在我心深處 已註標 幸福的記號
The sign of happiness is marked in my heart
你看江山如此多嬌 浪滔滔
Look at this incredible world
引無數英雄竟折腰 求獨領風潮
countless heroes are fighting to rule
handpick each incredible story
標註幸福的記號 在今朝
Marking the sign of happiness now
你看江山如此多嬌 浪滔滔
Look at this incredible world
引無數英雄竟折腰 求獨領風潮
countless heroes are fighting to rule
handpick each incredible story
標註幸福的記號 在今朝 在今朝
Marking the sign of happiness right now
你看江山如此多嬌 浪滔滔
Look at this incredible world
引無數英雄竟折腰 求獨領風潮
countless heroes are fighting to rule
哼唱快樂曲調 有天靠
Now I have the Universe whose got my back, I can sing these happy songs
標註幸福的記號 在今朝 在今朝
Marking the sign of happiness right now right now