





  1. 感恩同事小楊分享他如果與老闆間對某件事情有不同看法,尤其是牽涉到工安疑慮時,他會如何因應。三四月時電廠棚架施工期間經常下雨耽誤工期,老闆為了追趕進度催促工班開工。但因為天雨,房舍頂棚濕滑會有工安風險,小楊基於安全考量違背老闆指令,對領班說一切遵照工安規定,所有責任他來承擔。事後婉轉向老闆報告並提醒,若不按規定在潮濕狀況下在頂棚施工,發生工安事故公司完全無力承擔任何賠償,老闆雖然心急如焚也只能勉強接受。相信他也會感謝小楊盡到幹部的責任,即使和老闆意見不合,仍然做出正確的判斷和抉擇,避免日後可能的風險損失。這樣的事例也建議給廠長,做為他與老闆互動時進退拿捏的參考。





踏過千山萬水 只為滄海的美

Travel through hundreds and thousands of miles for a glance of the beautiful open sea

翻開 曾經夜黑 回憶著 那奢侈的醉

Looking back, there were many hangover nights

如今 綠瘦紅肥 無盡芳菲紛飛

After all, things always change in life, even beauty will not last

如果 能有來生 怎耐又 再飲這一杯

If life can be reversed, would you repeat it the same way?

問自己是誰 誰能懂我而我又是誰

Asking myself, who knows me, and who am I?

人生幾回醉 憧憬要及時追

Perhaps I’ve been drunk again and again. It’s time to fulfill my dreams now

曾經滄海陪 一生又幾回

In the past, I was accompanied by the open sea, life after life

花開花落 問誰對

Flowers blossom and fall, who is right or wrong?

怎能斷其貴 似又生心賊

Hard to let go because the poison arises in the mind

蝴蝶隨伴飛 當下才是美

Butterflies are all around, the beauty of life is now

再望青天回憶追 心想醉

Looking up at the blue sky, recall the past and feel like getting drunk

人生幾回醉 憧憬要及時追

Perhaps I’ve been drunk again and again. It’s time to fulfill my dreams now

曾經滄海陪 一生又幾回

In the past, I was accompanied by the open sea, life after life

花開花落 問誰對

Flowers blossom and fall, who is right or wrong?

怎能斷其貴 似又生心賊

Hard to let go because the poison arises in the mind

蝴蝶隨伴飛 當下才是美

Butterflies are all around, the beauty of life is now

再望青天回憶追 心想醉

Looking up at the blue sky, recall the past and feel like getting drunk

品緣起緣滅 悟昨是今非

Thinking about how the affinity was created and ended, understand the stories of yesterday and today


Always remember to fulfill the dreams in life

看風霜雨雪 描繪春天的蓓蕾

The spring flower bud has gone thru the harsh wind, frost, rain, and snow

待花謝 盼得豐收結實纍纍

When the flower falls, there will be abundant fruits

真心換得寶貴 打造幸福堡壘 

A genuine heart brings happiness

對一切 總心存感謝

Always grateful for everything

這一生 莫總論誰對  再回首 才能好事堆

Don’t need to judge who is right or wrong in this life, so when the next life comes around many good things will accumulate




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