經過四天的陰雨天,一早和二哥驅車前往奧克蘭東北方的Takapuna 海灘,往東望向Rangitoto 島。這是一個奧克蘭的著名景點,由火山形成的獨立小島,有其秀美的韻味。在海邊等待7:20am難得的日出,初秋的寒風已然冷冽,卻看到當地居民仍然下海游泳,在估計僅10oC的低溫下試煉體力,不由得佩服。
- 感恩二哥二嫂的照顧讓以媛這一週在奧克蘭有正常的起居,充分休養生息後,週日經過共修課,成為接軌平日作息的緩衝。
走在太陽路 感受深切體悟
Walking under the Sun, deeply perceive the truth
編織著領悟 開啟生命錦簇
Creating with realization, awaken the beauty of life
看盡人生路 才知恩寵的祝福
Seeing the path of life, acknowledge the blessings of grace
填補曾經不足 好幸福
Make up past deficiencies, blessing with happiness
感恩來時腳步 今生有此福
Grateful to receive this blessing in this life
更要努力進步 畫出精彩圖
Make efforts to progress in drawing out a wonderful map of life
太陽的祝福 太陽的祝福
Blessing of the sun, blessing of the sun
烙印靈魂深處 好滿足
Deeply imprint in my soul with fulfilment
太陽的祝福 在心中無限的感觸
Blessing of the sun in my heart felt with endless touch
今生選此途 才能向前邁步
Choosing this life path, ability to move forward,
絕不再荒蕪 要傳承這禮物
Life no longer ridiculous, must inherit this gift
太陽的祝福 心中住
Blessing from the sun intuiting deeply in my heart
我心深處 感恩這祝福
Heartily gratitude to this blessing
超凡脫俗 我生命我主
To be extraordinary, I shall decide for my life
領著祝福 傳奇中傳福
Receiving this blessing, legendary blissful
傳承祝福 世界都富足
Inherit with blessings, the world is full of abundance
享受祝福 幕幕好前途
Enjoy the blessing, every scene is a good future
太陽的祝福 太陽的祝福
Blessing of the sun, blessing of the sun
太陽的祝福 太陽的祝福
Blessing of the sun, blessing of the sun
太陽的祝福 太陽的祝福
Blessing of the sun, blessing of the sun
烙印靈魂深處 好滿足
Deeply imprint in my soul with fulfilment