




聽了蔡老師的內容,以媛突然醒悟,不該在不瞭解對方,甚至未見過面的狀況下,就依據一些求職平台的資訊給予好的評價。也因為不清楚對方的人格特質、氣質與談吐,這些好的評價可能是溢美之詞,而會讓對方對以媛產生輕率之感;就算未來有緣共事,也可能造成領導溝通上的障礙。「聞過怒 聞譽樂 損友來 益友卻;聞譽恐 聞過欣 直諒士 漸相親」,這兩段話充分說明一般人傾向有前者的表現,後者才是經過自覺和鍛鍊,陶冶而來的修養。



  1. 感恩台塑大樓旁的華南銀行行員在3:30以後,還願意耐心地協助以媛了解信用卡帳款的細節,澄清了一些疑點,並且將由寄帳單轉為線上電子帳單。以媛用四份超碼結緣書答謝她的熱心,對方很高興接受下來並分享給兩旁的同事,真是皆大歡喜。
  2. 感恩唯懿和詩萍接受以媛的邀請,抽空參與2/22「科技人沙龍」直播分享,屆時一定精彩可期。




生命圖畫中 怎有缺

There is no incompletion in the picture of life

總是盼呀盼 圓滿莫絕

I always hope for completion

因緣牽巧遇 才有了解

It’s fate that brought us here so that we get to know each other

也許曾經真的 曾相約

Maybe once upon a time we have a promise



倘佯天地間感動 嚐哽咽

I am moved and in tears by the Heaven and Earth

驚訝想起重要的 天地相約

suddenly I recall the important promise to the Heaven and Earth

奇緣接 就有解

when the connection is made, everything is clear


Accomplishment brings joy

盡情塗抹七彩 精彩頁

I enjoy creating the colorful picture of life



感恩 這相約

Grateful for this promise

我才知道難題 總是有解

I then learn that everything in life has a solution

人生啊 莊生夢蝶

Life is like a dream of butterflies

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe



生命圖畫中 怎有缺

There is no incompletion in the picture of life

總是盼呀盼 圓滿莫絕

I always hope for completion

因緣牽巧遇 才有了解

It’s fate that brought us here so that we get to know each other

也許曾經真的 曾相約

Maybe once upon a time we have a promise



倘佯天地間感動 嚐哽咽

I am moved and in tears by the Heaven and Earth

驚訝想起重要的 天地相約

suddenly I recall the important promise to the Heaven and Earth

奇緣接 就有解

when the connection is made, everything is clear


Accomplishment brings joy

盡情塗抹七彩 精彩頁

I enjoy creating the colorful picture of life



感恩 這相約

Grateful for this promise

我才知道難題 總是有解

I then learn that everything in life has a solution

人生啊 莊生夢蝶

Life is like a dream of butterflies

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe



感恩 這相約

Grateful for this promise

我才知道難題 總是有解

I then learn that everything in life has a solution

人生啊 莊生夢蝶

Life is like a dream of butterflies

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe

款款天地愛 深情相約

A promise of love made by the Universe




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