- 感恩二哥今天趁返台開小學同學會之便,去看望多年不見的舅母。老人家在驚喜之餘話了許多「家常」,並且讚美十多年前去紐西蘭時二嫂為舅舅舅母做的炒米粉,至今難忘,也帶給二哥喜悅。說明「好話一句」能結好緣。
回眸 弄通緣中惜富足 幸福
Looking back, happiness comes from cherishing what we have
影圖 感知生命的幸福 要惜緣來滿足
Looking at life pictures, Cherishing brings contentment
抓住心物 填補豐富
Fulfilling our heart fulfills life
只有珍惜一途 才不會苦
Only with cherishing life, will life have no suffering
滿園彩悟 才添八寶足
Fill life with color, then life will be full of treasures
Cherishing is an auxiliary of life
生命的滋潤 在惜緣遞補
Cherishing affinity nourishes our life
Realizing after many years
有福的人總會 緣中惜 相處
Fortunate people always cherish all the affinity
抓住生命的地圖 秒秒品嚐妙甘露
Grab hold of the life map, enjoy it every moment like golden dew
萬般總是感恩 來時路
Always be grateful to our past
再把人生細屬 步步是路
Truly look at life, every step is a path
惜緣敲定鼓 邀吉星住
Cherishing affinity is like hitting the drum to invite the lucky stars
惜緣演譯生命滋補 緣中惜昌盛處處
Cherishing affinity brings nourishment and abundance to every part in life
回眸 弄通緣中惜富足 幸福
Looking back, happiness comes from cherishing what we have
影圖 感知生命的幸福 要惜緣來滿足
Looking at life pictures, Cherishing brings contentment
抓住心物 填補豐富
Fulfilling our heart fulfills life
只有珍惜一途 才不會苦
Only with cherishing life, will life have no suffering
滿園彩悟 才添八寶足
Fill life with color, then life will be full of treasures
Cherishing is an auxiliary of life
生命的滋潤 在惜緣遞補
Cherishing affinity nourishes our life
Realizing after many years
有福的人總會 緣中惜 相處
Fortunate people always cherish all the affinity
抓住生命的地圖 滴滴精純似寶珠
Grab hold of the life map, every drop of essence is like a pearl
萬般總是感恩 來時路
Always grateful to our past
再把人生细屬 步步是路
Truly look at life, every step is a path
惜緣敲定鼓 邀吉星住
Cherishing affinity is like hitting the drum to invite the lucky stars
惜緣演譯生命滋補 緣中惜昌盛處處
Cherishing affinity brings nourishment and abundance to every part in life
幕幕和氣要會煮 懂享用才會大補
Creating harmony and cherishing life every moment is the best supplement
邀幸福 要幸福
Inviting happiness and embracing happiness
習緣惜幸福 幸福
Accept life and cherish happiness is true happiness